Branch AGM 2024
Notice of Annual General Meeting – to be held at the Durban Botanic Gardens Visitors Centre
Date: Sunday, 21 July 2024
Time: 13h30 to 15h30
Nominations for committee members: Please send in your nominations by 20 July. Acceptance of the nominee must be confirmed. Vacancies exist for Outings, Membership, any Special Projects.
Resolutions to be considered for inclusion on Agenda: to be sent in by 20 July.
Suggestions for projects to be taken on by the Branch can be emailed or raised at the meeting under the Agenda item, ‘General’.
Phone Cell: 071 869 3693 / Email:
If you cannot participate in the meeting you are invited to nominate a Proxy or submit an email vote by Friday, 19 July, 4pm. .
1. Welcome and apologies
2. Adoption of minutes of previous meeting
3. Matters arising from previous minutes
4. Chair’s Report – illustrated
5. Announcement of the top performers in City Nature Challenge
6. Treasurer’s Report
7. Botanical Education Trust Report
8. Election of committee members
9. General 9.1 Raffle draw of winner of ‘Ferns of Southern Africa - A comprehensve Guide’
10. Illustrated Talk by Mahomed Desai: More than just diamonds - The Tsau // Khaeb.
11. Closure
You are cordially invited to join us for tea / coffee afterwards. Photos from Muhammed Adamjee's visit to the Chelsea Flower Show will be shown.
AGM Minutes 2023 signed
2023 AGM BotanicalEducationTrust report
BotSoc fin statements 2024 signed
2023 AGM Treasurers Report
BotSocKZN Coastal Branch AGM 2023-Chairperson's Report

Did you miss one of our talks?
Our Winter Gardens at Renishaw Mature LifeStyle Estate near Scottburgh were held on Saturday, 8 July.
Limited number groups were led by Elsa Pooley to see the Estate’s gardens that Elsa designed.
It was a great success, as you can see from this YouTube video kindly posted by Frank Foley. Click on YouTube to bring it to full screen if necessary.
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